Sunday, December 19, 2010

Site Redesign

I've learned a lot about myself and my skills while participating in my Educational Technology class. Learning how students interact with technology and how different my perception is of that. I've run into a number of technologies which i have been unaware of how to use, or how to use them effectively, but i find learning those skills an exciting challenge that i am eager to take on.
Recently, with the culmination of a number of projects, I've decided that i need to solidify the look of my projects and add-ons.
Currently, my learning project consist of an collaboration with an Italian school (which i hope one day to make a reality) and i decided that my blog should mirror the frame of mind. Especially, since they both originate from the same source.
So I'm introducing my new color scheme.
I would like to devote more time into learning how to individually design the sites and then i can use this when creating sites; but until then how does this color scheme work for everyone?

Monday, December 13, 2010


I’ve stumbled upon a nice little gem that educators all over might find useful.  The website is a facebook like site where educators and students can log on and connect with each other.  Teachers can create and manage virtual classrooms, give and grade assignments and establish engaging environments where students can learn.
This is a great tool for students and it continues to evolve as there is a large support community and the developers work with teachers to give them the best possible tools.  Also the ability to connect with other teachers is an amazing benefit when looking to create new ideas and collaborate.  I think this definitely something more teachers should look into and schools should investigate how to best utilize tools and sites like these.
